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Home Software Software Payroll and Human resources Политика относно GDPR




Dear Clients and Partners,

As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in the Republic of Bulgaria, introduced by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.

ADA-SOFT has accepted the challenge to provide its clients and partners with adequate cooperation and solutions for personal data management.

At the end of last year, our company successfully implemented and certified ISO 27001: 2015. Together with the standard and the internal rules that we enforce, we ensure full compliance with the legal conditions when receiving, processing, transmitting, and storing personal data both as Administrator and as Processor.

The safeguarding of personal data confidentiality and integrity is a key responsibility for us in ADA-SOFT, and we treat it with all the necessary seriousness as a party within the Regulation scope. Our team is trained and ready to consistently apply the basic principles of GDPR:

  • Personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner;
  • Personal data shall be collected only within the legal terms and conditions;
  • Personal data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage;
  • Regular testing of systems and processes shall be carried out;
  • Continuous development, evaluation, control and document reporting of personal data processing shall be maintained.

As a developer, distributor, and provider of software application services which manage personal data, ADA-SOFT is in the process of reviewing and optimizing its concept and decisions regarding the software it offers for the purpose of implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Relying on good practices, we declare that we have the desire, the capabilities and the willingness to do everything necessary to ensure the security and protection of your personal data.

You can trust our team as a secure partner in our joint work in respect of your organization's personal data processing.




About Us

Corporate Profile
Ethical Code
GDPR Policy
Quality Control Policy
Complaints and Recommendations
In the Press


Sofia Office
Poligona, bl.43, ent.1-Offices, Office 5
Sofia 1750, Bulgaria
+359 886 299 300

Pazardzhik Office
13 Georgi Benkovski Blvd.
Pazardzhik 4400, Bulgaria
+359 34 44 27 65

London Office
152 - 160 City Road, Kemp House 
London EC1V 2NX, UK
+44 207 175 2200